What is coaching?

A method to help you discover and capitalize on your brilliance, refine personal super powers, manage challenges, develop new skills, and grow as a person, a professional and a leader. 
A process to transform yourself so you feel free, in control, positive, successful, effective, happy and fulfilled.
An journey of exploration of the infinite universe within you.  

coaching starts with a free conversation

book yours now!

Invest in yourself and you’ll feel rich, inside and out

the coaching process

Coaching is a process that takes time. It’s an investment in yourself – not only to help you achieve success, but also to feel absolutely fantastic about it too. Money, success and fame doesn’t always lead to true, deep happiness and contentment on it’s own. When you invest in yourself, it produces a life-long benefit.

The coaching process is supported by decades of scientific study and psychology.

Coaching occurs one on one in a confidential and trusted environment. To increase the chances of a sustained and lasting benefit, a commitment of at least 10 sessions is recommended. 

A good coach will listen attentively and ask great questions to stimulate self-reflection. You can expect your coach to challenge you on some of the things you say, and encourage you to experiment with different thoughts and actions. The coach will not tell you what or how to think, or what to do. Only to explore what may be possible. Your coach believes in you and genuinely wants you to succeed.

Your coach will give you homework and exercises, so you stay on track and continue to do what’s necessary to achieve your goals and dreams.

coaching process

I can’t wait to hear your story. The process begins with listening, and identifying important areas in your life to focus on.



Reflecting on your situation, your feelings, emotions and thoughts is the first step in identifying challenges and opportunities. Reflection helps you to decide and commit on areas you are determined and motivated to explore and work on. Discover and align with your true purpose and identity.



Get ready, curious, excited and passionate about the changes you are looking to make. Mentally prepare to accept what challenges you are facing so they don’t seem so overwhelming. Make the decision to take action, as your coach continues to empower you. Start to see opportunities where you may have only seen negativity before.



Change doesn’t happen overnight. Your coach will help you to experiment with different options and possibilities and ensure that you keep taking those small steps forward towards your goals, dreams and purpose. You don’t need to dive into the deep end all at once to make meaningful change. The following types of exercises help reduce stress and improve focus and energy: mindfulness, visualizations, breathing and muscle activation 



Learn the tools, techniques and exercises that will keep you growing, experimenting and changing into the person you are truly meant to be. Life is a journey, and your path is unique. You’ll learn how to enjoy the journey, stay on your path and discover and experience all the miracles life has to offer. 


book a chat and let me know how I can help

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coaching course

standing under the stars

discover the powers inside your personal universe

This is the most unique and enlightening coaching course you’ll ever take. Dive into the depths of your own personal universe to bring balance into your life. Feel less angry and frustrated. See the world in a more positive light. Feel empowered and energetic. Capitalize on your personal super powers to feel free and in control. Where do you think happiness, success and fulfilment comes from? Your personal internal universe!

Go at your own pace course with a suggested 12 week schedule. 4-6 hour per week commitment will ensure you get tremendous value. 25 hours of recorded video content. 50+ self-study activities. Live Q&A coaching discussions. Daily MBS command exercises including audio and video recordings. Collaborative social chat and community.

Visit the course page to see if this program is right for you and enroll in a FREE trial!

types of coaching

woman reaching for the sky and sun

personal / life

Those who know they want to work through a challenge or improve the way they feel. Working through major life changes and transitions

Work one on one to address your challenges, emotions, develop skills, find opportunities, empower and motivate and learn more about yourself

business people working

professional / executive / leadership

Leaders, managers, employees, teams, entrepreneurs, CEOs

Improve workplace efficiency by understanding and addressing interpersonal and intrapersonal challenges. Refine leadership skills to inspire and motivate others, and resolve conflict.

smiling emoji held in a hand

mental health / anxiety / bullying 

Anyone struggling with anxiety, mental health challenges, or affected by bullying (including those who may bully others)

Not a replacement for therapy. Your coach will help to empower you to discover your true internal value, worth and brilliance. Breathing, visualization and muscle activation exercises can help with stress reduction.





Per session

Flexible option if you want to try coaching without commitment


  • 1 hour session
  • You decide what you want to discuss
  • Manage challenges, develop skills
  • “Homework” for continued reflection

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10 session package

Commit to invest in yourself and your future

Most effective way to experience lasting benefits of coaching. Meaningful change takes time.


  • Weekly 1 hour sessions
  • Explore challenges, opportunities
  • Identify goals, develop skills
  • Experiment and implement change
  • Mindfulness exercises 

book free consultation

Ongoing weekly

Charged monthly (4 sessions)


  • 1 hour session per week
  • Coach is committed to your success
  • Explore a range of challenges
  • Identify opportunities, take action

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